Spinning & Weaving


Fine Mid-Brown Masham

$.12 / gram

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The Masham, pronounced massam, is a cross of Teeswater or Wensleydale ram with Dalesbred or Swaledale ewes. The fleece is very long and lustrous and the breed is found mainly in the north of England. The fleece is suited to combing due to its length and is used in speciality products due to its limited availability. The fineness varies from approx. 38- 44microns and length approx. 150-380mm.

Masham fibre feels quite different to most sheep wool – it is not as bouncy as more common breeds, but what this fibre lacks in bounce it makes up for in drape and shine! Similar to Wensleydale it has a delicate halo.

Collection Spinning Fibre,Wool,Masham
Weight: Top
Spinning / Weaving / Batts: Spinning

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